With the right blend of ingredients, a smoothie can be a nutritional powerhouse—full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein. But a few misguided add-ins can leave you with a high-calorie, sugar-laden dessert that’s anything but the healthy drink you had envisioned. 

1. DON’T: Throw everything into the blender.

It’s easy to treat a smoothie as a free-for-all, tossing in handfuls and drizzles of various ingredients, but this carefree method is an easy way to add calories, sugar, and fat to your drink with surprisingly unhealthy results.

DO: Measure your ingredients.

Measuring ingredients will keep the nutrition stats in check, while also ensuring a good solid-to-liquid ratio.

2. DON’T: Reach straight for kale.

We’re all about adding greens to our smoothies, but don’t dive into kale right away. It’s a bitter green, and if you start there, you may be tempted to add in too much sugar to compensate.

DO: Start with spinach.

It’s easy to mask the flavor of spinach, making it the perfect choice for greensmoothie starters. Once you’ve acquired a taste for greens, then begin branching out to more assertive kale or parsley.

3. DON’T: Drink a second serving.

If you’re using a smoothie as a meal replacement, it’s natural to think you’ll need a larger portion, but even if you’re only adding more fruit, the calories and sugar can creep up quickly.

DO: Add fiber-rich ingredients.

To keep you feeling full long after your smoothie, try adding ingredients with staying power, such as avocado or oats. Both are great sources of fiber.

4. DON’T: Resort to sweet.

If you’re looking to add more flavor to your smoothie, don’t immediately turn to sweeteners.

DO: Branch out.

Herbs, spices, and extracts can make a world of difference. Fresh grated ginger adds a warming touch, while Sriracha brings a little heat.

5. DON’T: Pour in protein powder.

Protein powders are often filled with highly processed ingredients that are more suitable for bulking up, so read the label to be sure you know what you’re buying. 

DO: Try nut butters, flaxseed, or tofu.

Use natural sources of protein instead to help sustain your energy throughout the day. A small dose of peanut butter or a tablespoon of flaxseed is a healthy way to add protein to a smoothie. Silken tofu is another great option and blends easily with other ingredients.

6. DON’T: Double the batch.

If you want to make more servings, don’t double up on the ingredients—you may overfill the blender and have trouble getting a smooth consistency.

DO: Work in batches.

Ingredients need adequate space to blend, ensuring smooth results in the blender. If you want less, don’t downsize the recipe; you may not have enough ingredients in the blender for it to process properly. Instead, follow the recipe and freeze the leftovers.


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